You should think of your dashcam as an investment. Why? Because more often than not, after the initial investment of a few hundred dollars to buy and install the dashcam, the dashcam will “pay” for itself.
It is true that we don’t necessarily buy a dashcam because we anticipate something will happen to our car – but it’s good to have one “just in case”. Especially because according to theAssociation for Safe International Road Travel, approximately 2.35 million people are injured annually in car accidents in the US alone. The average number of crashes and collisions without injury is even higher–6 million every year.
BlackVue dashcams record everything happening in front, and in case of dual channel models also in the back of your car, giving you hard proof in most situations you may encounter.
There are plenty of examples where having a dashcam “just in case” turned out to save the owner of said dashcam some serious money in damages.
BlackVue is holding an ongoing #CaughtOnBlackVue event, in which BlackVue dashcam owners send us their BlackVue captured footage. Among them, we received a few note-worthy testimonials of happy Customers, whose BlackVue dashcams saved them thousands of dollars –literally!
Hit & run? Check on your dashcam who did it!
Leaving your car in an underground shopping mall parking lot is always a risk – BlackVue user Levell experienced that first hand. His car was hit while parked there, and the culprit didn’t bother to leave a courtesy note. If not for theBlackVue DR750S-2CH dashcam installed in Levell’s car and recording everything in Parking Mode, he wouldn’t have known what happened and his insurance would have to cover it, as it would be a simple hit & run. Thanks to the dashcam, he was able to extract the license plate number and the hit & runner’s insurance company covered the damage in full.
“The damage was there already!”
Dashcam can save you a headache of “he said, she said” in case of an accident. But what about instances when the other party outright lies about what happened? Well, having a dashcam footage can counter any attempts at blame-shifting. In the video below, the relatively small tap on Ernesto’s car was estimated to cost as much as $2,000! What’s worse, the other driver tried to convince the police that arrived at the scene that the damage was already there… and at one point, he ended up in handcuffs!
Thankfully, the entire incident was recorded by Ernesto’s BlackVue DR750S-2CH dashcam (rear camera).
Not safe even in the neighborhood
Imagine you park the car for the night, only to come to scratches on the side of it in the morning… This is what happened to BlackVue dashcam owner Dimitri – thankfully, he was able to check the footage from his dashcam and confirmed it was his neighbor! The footage saved him $3,500 in damages to his Audi TT.
Parking on the edge of the road and…
A snowplow clearing the street BlackVue owner Bear’s car was parked on cut in towards the curb too sharply and clipped the car’s bumper. Thankfully, his BlackVue DR750S-2CH dashcam was recording in Parking Mode, capturing both front and rear view of the incident.
Not only was Bear able to check what happened in the morning, but he showed the footage to the city and got reimbursed for the damage – almost $4,000!
Dashcam Saves $10,000 in Damages
Another example of the culprit trying to shift the blame – this time, the van driver tried to convince the police the collision wasn’t his fault. BlackVue ownerCharlestonCar (pseudonym) downloaded the footage from hisBlackVue DR900S-2CH on his phone and, when it was his turn, he swiftly showed the video to the police. This short BlackVue dashcam footage saved him over $10,000 in damages!
Of course the best case scenario is to never get involved in a car crash, a fender bender or a hit and run.
But it’s also true that it’s difficult to avoid every dangerous situation while on the road or when you are away from your car. And that’s when BlackVue dashcams come in – giving a vehicle owner a peace of mind whether they are driving – or even when they are away from their car thanks toBlackVue’s Parking Mode.