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512GB MicroSD Card Now Available, Supported Across Whole BlackVue Dash Cam Lineup

512GB capacity options are now available across the whole BlackVue dash cam lineup. Customers can now choose the 512GB option when purchasing a new dash cam. The 512GB microSD card is also available to purchase separately on the microSD Card page.

The following models fully support microSD cardsup to 512GB:

Higher capacity means more recording time before the dash cam has to overwrite older footage.
For information about recording time relative to microSD card capacity video quality settings for each model, visit ourdedicated page, also linked in the footer of the website.

What if the dash cam’s packaging indicates support up to 256GB only?

In case the dash cam is among one of the compatible models listed above, it will support 512GB microSD cards provided it has the latest firmware. Please update your dash cam’s firmware to the latest version to ensure compatibility.

What microSD Card to use with BlackVue Dash Cams?

Dash cams record continuously, submitting microSD cards to higher levels of stress than most electronic devices. That means not every microSD card is suitable for dash cam use. That is, even if they seem to match the required specs “on paper”. Besides, microSD cards are considered “consummables” as they age with each write cycle. That’s why they may need replacing after a few months or years of use, depending on the number of write cycles and high temperature they go through.

We testBlackVue microSD cards to withstand those harsh conditions and that’s why we can recommend them. If you are planning to use a non-BlackVue microSD card, look for models generally marketed as “high-endurance”, as they may be better suited for use in a dash cam.
