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Meet BlackVue at Transport Logistic 2019 In Munich, Germany

If you live in or around Germany, here is your chance to visit BlackVue. ;

We will be exhibiting at the 2019transport logistic show in Munich this coming June!

Make sure to stop bybooth#535 in Hall A3 of Messe München, as ;BlackVue representatives will be there to answer all your questions. ;
You will be able to take a look at BlackVue’s lineup, including newest and upcoming products. ;

In addition, you will also learn about BlackVue Fleet Tracking, our Fleet SDK and Cloud API. ;

The show will run fromJune 4 (Tue) to 7 (Sat), 2019.

For more information, visit the show’s websitehere.

About transport logistic 2019
transport logistic is the world’s leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT, and supply chain management: more than 2,300 exhibitors from 63 countries, 60,726 visitors from 123 countries and regions with more than 115,000 m of exhibition space across ten halls and the neighboring outdoor exhibition area.

Trade Show