Extremely dangerous situation was recently captured on a BlackVue dashcam.
Hit & run, GTA-style
BlackVue user Peter sent us the footage recorded by his Blackvue DR750X-2CH dashcam (DR750X Plus available here). In the video we see that a car approaches from the side road at an incredible speed (100km/h in a 60km/h area – around 62MPH in a 37MPH area). While turning, the car hit another vehicle – the driver corrected himself quickly before hitting Peter’s car and drove off without so much as checking if everyone was okay.
“I’ve got him on camera!”
Peter immediately stopped and let the driver who got hit know that he had everything recorded on his dashcam. The video was then forwarded to the police which, thanks to the BlackVue footage, was able to pursue and then prosecute the dangerous driver. Peter told us “This just goes to prove that having a good quality dash camera such as the Blackvue is well worth the investment, and definitely an item I will have fitted to all my cars in the future”.
You never know what you may witness on the road. Before that happens, get your BlackVue dashcam todayhere.
About #CaughtOnBlackVue
Please remember that #CaughtOnBlackVue an ongoing event and it’s never too late to send us your video!
All you have to do is fill in the form and upload your BlackVue video (instructions on how to do so ;here). Every week we will pick a winner of the grand prize (either a BlackVue dashcam or the Power Magic Ultra Battery). Even if you don’t receive the grand prize, if your video is published on our blog or social media, you will receive a guaranteed BlackVue swag bag full of goodies!