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Unlimited Live View Weekend + ENEFIT 24H EV Race

For the entirety of the upcoming weekend (Thursday, October 20th to Sunday, October 23rd, PST) Live View will be accessible without limitation of time to allBlackVue Cloud users. Enjoy Live View to your heart’s content! Check Our Web Viewer at

Experience Unlimited Remote Live View for Free

As long as your vehicle is equipped with a Cloud-compatible BlackVue dash cam, Remote Live View lets you keep an eye on your vehicle from anywhere, anytime with the BlackVue App.
By default, BlackVue dash cams’ location and video are private and can only be accessed by their owner. However, users can make their own camera location and live stream available to the public if they wish.

If you look at the world map in the BlackVue App or Web Viewer, you might explore and see cameras made public by their owner. For some, you might see just the location, location and custom name, as well as Live View video stream.

This weekend, the organizers of the ENEFIT 24H EV race in Lithuania will be making use of this technology to let anyone experience the race from within the participants’ cars, using the BlackVue App or Web Viewer. This is a chance for anyone to see for yourself how Remote Live View works, even if you don’t own a Cloud-compatible BlackVue dash cam.

All you need to do is:

  • Download the BlackVue App (or go to and click onStart Web Viewer)
  • Create a free BlackVue Cloud account (TapConnect to Cloud in the app orSign up in the Web Viewer)
  • Explore the map.

About the ENEFIT 24H EV Race

From the organizers of the“Ignitis ON: discover Lithuania!”EV race comes another exciting project – the first ever 24-hour electric car race in Lithuania! The goal of the race is not who finishes the race faster, but rather the competitors will have to complete as many laps as possible within 24 hours. They need to take into account charging time, efficiency of the car itself and other factors that can impact their performance. This race is a car event designed to demonstrate and promote electric cars as an everyday mean of transport, but also suitable for motor sports competitions as well.

The 24H EV race will be a test of endurance not only for the electric cars, but also for the drivers. At the same time, it will be a great place for like-minded people to chat around the clock.

The race will take place in Kuršėnai Autodrome in Lithuania and start on Friday, October 21st, 2022 at 5 PM. Only unmodified electric cars can participate in this 24-hour-long race, and all participants will be divided into different classes, just like in the case of the “Ignitis ON: discover Lithuania!” EV race before.

Live ViewUnlimited Live View