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DOUBLE Hit And Run Caught On A Dash Cam In The Span of Just Two Minutes

We usually associate hit-and-runs with accidentsinvolving parked vehicles, but this is not always the case. This outrageous example of a DOUBLE hit-and-run was sent to us by a BlackVue Ambassador, Carson.

Hitting two different cars in just a few minutes

He was waiting at a red light in his Ford Focus ST when a white pickup truck came from behind and rear-ended his car. Our Ambassador confronted the other driver, but instead of stopping and exchainging their information, the other driver tried to run. During their grand escape they were in such a rush that at the next intersection, while the pickup made a right turn, they hit another vehicle – a white sedan this time. The culprit still didn’t stop and simply ran away.

The police received the BlackVue footage of the incident (the dash cam model used was theDR900X-2CH Plus) and the case is still in progress. Let’s hope they catch the dangerous driver soon!

And you? Don’t wait until AFTER something happens. You never know what awaits you on the road. Get your dash cam todayhere.

About #CaughtOnBlackVue

Please remember that #CaughtOnBlackVue an ongoing event and it’s never too late to send us your video!

All you have to do is fill in the form and upload your BlackVue video (instructions on how to do sohere). Every week we will pick a winner of the grand prize. Even if you don’t receive the grand prize, if your video is published on our blog or social media, you will receive a guaranteed BlackVue swag bag full of goodies!

BlackVue Ambassador Program

The BlackVue Ambassador Program has been established to reach out to car enthusiasts all over the world. We believe that every vehicle owner cares about their car’s security, and that’s why we want people to know about our dashcams in the car community.

Dashcams aren’t just a fancy surveillance gadget anymore – they became a necessity. Through our brand ambassadors we want to bring an authentic experience of using BlackVue dashcams to the car owners’ community.

We are looking for ambassadors who will be genuinely passionate about our brand and products, and who will be able to convey their enthusiasm and passion through their social media and in person via various offline activities. Learn more about the BlackVue Ambassador Program and apply to become an Ambassador ;here!

Caught on BlackVueDR900X Plus