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New BlackVue Fleet SDK 3.0 Supports Reverse Proxy Connection

TheBlackVue Fleet SDK is a software development kit that allows developers to integrate BlackVue dashcam functionality into their own applications. With the Fleet SDK, developers can access live video streaming, GPS data, event notifications, and more from BlackVue dash cams.

What’s new?

With the launch of the Fleet SDK 3.0, BlackVue added a new way to integrate BlackVue dash cams into a wide range of fleet management solutions, as well as support for the latest camera models and the BlackVue Driver Monitoring System (DMS) camera.

New dash cam models supported

The Fleet SDK 3.0 supports the following models:

  1. DR770X Series
  2. DR770X LTE Series
  3. DR770X BOX Series

New Reverse Proxy (RP) connection

Until now, the BlackVue Fleet SDK required telematics hardware installed in the customers’ vehicles to connect to the BlackVue using the Station Mode (STA) and Access Point Mode (AP) connection protocols. In such instances, the customer’s telematics devices are necessary to act as a relay between the BlackVue cameras and the customer’s server.

With the Fleet SDK 3.0, customers can connect the BlackVue cameras directly to their servers, using theReverse Proxy (RP) connection protocol. This allows for a wide range of potential use cases where the BlackVue dash cam acts as the main on-board telematics device, offering video recording and GPS tracking capabilities.

To take advantage of the Reverse Proxy mode, the dash cams just need to be connected to the internet, either via their built-in connection, the BlackVue dedicated Connectivity Module, or a third-party mobile Wi-Fi router.

blackvue fleet sdk diagram (reverse proxy, ap-sta model)

Get your hands on the SDK

For more information about the BlackVue Fleet SDK 3.0, go to theFleet SDK page and apply using the form.
