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BlackVue Viewer Update – Version 1.05

Dear BlackVue Users,

A new version of the BlackVue Viewer (Windows/Mac OS) is nowavailable for download. ;This version introduces window-scaling, Bookmarks, Live View sharing and an updated Map design.

What’s new in version 1.05:

Layout and user interface improvements:

1. Easily swap between Cloud Viewer and SD Card Viewer ;Easily swap between the two modes via a single prominent button.

2. Now scaling to any screen size ;The SD Card Viewer has been totally remade so you can enjoy it comfortably and full-screen in any resolution, including on high-density monitors such as Retina and ;4K displays.

New features for the Cloud Viewer: ;

1. Bookmarks– ;You can now bookmark publicly shared cameras from the map (up to 20 cameras can be bookmarked).
2. Share Live View ;– You can now share your BlackVue dash camera’s Live View with specific users (up to 3) without making it a public camera.
3. A cleaner Map ;– We have introduced marker clustering to display a large number of dashcams while keeping the Map readable. You can still zoom in to visualize individual dashcams.
4. My Cam / Public cameras button ;– Tap the button in the top-right corner of the Map to quickly switch between your dashcam’s location and the publicly shared cameras Map.
5. Map design update ;– The color of the dashcam clusters now indicates whether they contain at least one dashcam with publicly shared Live View (green cluster) or not (yellow cluster).

Additional model support:



Supported Models Supported Version
DR650GW-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR650S-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR450-1CH Firmware from Version v1.004 and up
DR430-2CH Firmware from Version v1.001 and up
DR470-2CH Firmware from Version v1.001 and up
DR490L-2CH All Firmware Versions

For more information, visit theBlackVue Viewer page.

