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[Firmware Update] DR900S (1.004), DR750S (1.010) With New Parking Mode

New firmware is available for the DR750S (1.010) and DR900S (1.004) Series, bringing abrand new Time Lapse Parking Mode andimproved Motion & Impact detection mode, as well as a native mirror view recording option for the rear camera.

Learn more about the new parking mode options.

DR750S Series (version 1.010), DR900S Series (version 1.004)


  • DR750S Series (DR750S-1CH, DR750S-2CH, DR750S-2CH IR and DR750S-2CH TRUCK)
  • DR900S Series (DR900S-1CH, DR900S-2CH)


  1. New Time Lapse Parking Mode option.
    1. After switching to Parking Mode, the dashcam starts recording continuously at 1 frame per second.
    2. Every 30 minutes, frames are combined into a 1-minute, 30-frames-per-second video.
    3. Buffered Events: in case of impact detected, the dashcam switches to regular Event recording, including the 5-6 seconds before the impact.
    4. Scheduled Reboot: if set up, Schedule Reboot will happen during Time Lapse.
    5. Framerate: Time Lapse videos play back at 30 frames per second, regardless of framerate setting.
      To select this Parking Mode option, go to ;Firmware settings > Basic > Recording > Parking mode recording > Time lapse.
  2. Improved Motion & Impact detection Parking Mode, with Region-based Motion detection:
    1. 16 regions (4×4 grid) can be selected (motion detected) or deselected (motion ignored).
    2. Front and rear cameras detection regions are set independently.
    3. Motion sensitivity setting (Off, 1~5) is applied globally.
    4. Due to the distortion induced by the wide view angle of the camera, center region motion sensitivity is higher than for side regions.
      For this reason, if you only select regions on the left and right sides, we recommend using a sensitivity value of 4 or higher.
      To change those settings, go to ;Firmware settings > Sensitivity > Motion detection (Parking Mode)
  3. Added rear camera native mirror view recording setting (Dual-channel models only).
    Firmware settings > ;Basic > Recording > ;Rear camera orientation > Mirror video.

※ Compatible software version:
BlackVue App: Android v2.76 / iOS v2.76 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v1.22 / Mac v1.23 and up.
BlackVue Viewer Pro: Windows v1.12 and up.



Make sure to use the latest versions of ;the BlackVue Viewer and App ;for full compatibility when installing a new firmware version.

How to upgrade:

Via computer:
Go to the ;DOWNLOADS ;page to access the latest firmware and installation instructions.

Via the BlackVue App:
Download the firmware to your mobile device (Menu button ; ;on the app’s Home screen > Firmware download) and do a Firmware Over-The-Air upgrade (BLACKVUE WI-FI > Gear icon ; ;> Firmware upgrade (FOTA)). ;
Tip: make sure to download the firmware ;before ;you connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi (since the BlackVue won’t give you the internet connection necessary to download the firmware). If you are already connected to your BlackVue, then disconnect first, download the firwmare, then connect to the BlackVue’s Wi-Fi again. ;


Share your feedback and suggestions

If you have suggestions for new features and improvements, feel free to join our ;Community hosted in the BlackVue Help Center. ;

Thank you!

DR750S-1CHDR750S-2CHDR750S-2CH IRDR750S-2CH TRUCKDR900S-1CHDR900S-2CHFirmware