Dear BlackVue Cloud Users, ;
Following our Europe zone server in London, we are delighted to announce the open of an Asia/Oceania server forBlackVue Cloud ;in Singapore. ;
Users in Asia and Oceania will now connect to this new server, resulting in a faster Cloud service for everyone.
Better Cloud experience across the board
This server will allow faster speed for all users of our Cloud services in Asia and Oceania. With Asia and Singapore in particular generating large amounts of traffic for our Cloud service, we decided to increase our server capacity in order to better server our customers in the region.
This follows the recent open of a Europe/Africa zone server earlier this month.
This new addition will further speed up the connection to our servers for all Cloud users, as we now have servers present in the three main area of BlackVue Cloud traffic: North America, Europe and Asia. ;
Users in other areas should also see improvements.
This is due to the fact that users in Asia will now connect to this new server instead of the North American server. As a result, we also expect more responsiveness and less risk of congestion on the US-based server, so every BlackVue Cloud user is benefiting from the change.
List of countries concerned
Users residing in the following countries/territories will now connect to the Singapore-based server:
Territories of Asia:
Afghanistan | Israel | Pakistan |
Armenia | Japan | Palestine, State of |
Azerbaijan | Jordan | Philippines |
Bahrain | Kazakhstan | Qatar |
Bangladesh | Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of | Saudi Arabia |
Bhutan | Korea, Republic of | Singapore |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Kuwait | Sri Lanka |
Brunei Darussalam | Kyrgyzstan | Syrian Arab Republic |
Cambodia | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Taiwan, Province of China |
China | Lebanon | Tajikistan |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Macao | Thailand |
Georgia | Malaysia | Turkey |
Hong Kong | Maldives | Turkmenistan |
India | Mongolia | United Arab Emirates |
Indonesia | Myanmar | Uzbekistan |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | Nepal | Viet Nam |
Iraq | Oman | Yemen |
Territories of Oceania:
American Samoa | Nauru | Samoa |
Australia | New Caledonia | Solomon Islands |
Cook Islands | New Zealand | Timor-Leste |
Fiji | Niue | Tokelau |
French Polynesia | Norfolk Island | Tonga |
Guam | Northern Mariana Islands | Tuvalu |
Kiribati | Palau | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Marshall Islands | Papua New Guinea | Vanuatu |
Micronesia, Federated States of | Pitcairn | Wallis and Futuna |