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BlackVue DR590W Series Manuals Now Available in 15 Languages

Dear BlackVue users,

The manuals for the BlackVue ;DR590W-2CH andDR590W-1CH ;dash​cams are now available in 14 more languages, in addition to English, released earlier.

Note that most instructions for the DR590W-2CH apply also to theDR590W-2CH IR (with Interior Infrared Camera).

BlackVue dash​cams’ boxes include a printed Quick Start Guide that contain essential info to set up your dash​cam.

These full-length PDF Manuals contain more in-depth information. They explain every single dash​cam option in detail, including how to manage videos and change settings using the BlackVue app and the BlackVue Viewer, as well as technical specifications you might be curious about.

Here is the full list of available languages:

  1. Chinese – 中文
  2. Dutch – Nederlands
  3. English
  4. Finnish – Suomi
  5. French – Français
  6. German – Deutsch
  7. Indonesian – Bahasa Indonesia
  8. Italian – Italiano
  9. Japanese – 日本語
  10. Norwegian – Norsk
  11. Russian – РуÑÑкий
  12. Spanish – Español
  13. Swedish – Svenska
  14. Thai – ไทย
  15. Vietnamese – Tiếng Việt


The manuals are available to download inthe Manuals section of our Downloads page ;and on their respective product pages (in the FREE DOWNLOADS tab under the videos).

DR590W SeriesDR590W-1CHDR590W-2CHManual