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[BlackVue Cloud] Event File Auto Upload for All Cloud Plans

Dear BlackVue Cloud Users,

The next BlackVue App update will introduce a change to the way Event Auto Upload works for Cloud users (except Fleet account users), for DR900S and DR750S Series owners.


EventFileAuto Upload will now replaceEventLive Auto Upload for Free, Basic and Smart Cloud account users.


The change should occur around Monday, November 11, 2019.

Affected dashcam models:

  • DR900S-1CH, DR900S-2CH, DR900S-2CH IR with Firmware 1.008 and up.
  • DR750S-1CH, DR750S-2CH, DR750S-2CH IR, DR750S-2CH TRUCK with Firmware 1.013 and up.

Note: DR650S Series models will retain the Event Live Auto Upload feature as they cannot support Event File Auto Upload.

Event Live Auto Upload goes away (for now)

The current Free, Basic and Smart plans feature Event Live Auto Upload. This feature let a dashcam upload to the Cloud in real time the footage captured by the front or rear camera upon impact. That footage is of same resolution as Remote Live View (480p).

Although it has the advantage of uploading in real time, it has two major flaws:

  • It allows the upload of a single stream only so you must choose to uploadeither the frontor rear camera video.
  • It does not include buffering, meaning you will usually miss the view of the impact in case of a hit-and-run.

Say hello to Event File Auto Upload

While we are reworking Event Live Auto Upload, we decided to enableEvent File Auto Upload for all users. So far aFleet Tracking exclusive, it will now be available to Free, Basic and Smart Cloud plans.

With Event File Auto Upload, your dashcam saves to the Cloud the Sub-Stream version of Event videos. The upload happens right after the Event is done recording. In other words, low-resolution (480p) versions of the original video files will upload one minute after starting recording.

Although it does not upload in real time, Event File Auto Upload has two major advantages:

  • The dashcam uploads both front and rear camera videos to the Cloud.
  • Event File Auto Upload include pre-impact video buffer, just like regular Event files. That means you will see the few seconds leading up to the actual impact that triggered the recording.

In terms of Cloud storage, Event Auto Upload does not use any space from your plan’s allotted storage. Instead, time limits will apply the exact same way as they applied so far for Event Live Auto Upload.

ForFree plan users, the limit is two (2) days, whileBasic and Smart plan users can access Event File Auto Upload videos for seven (7) days.

The way forward

We want to keep improving our Cloud services to meet the demands of our users. The best way to make your opinion heard is to head to the BlackVue Community in ourHelp Center.

BlackVue Cloud