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Close Call With… A Roll Of Insulation On A Highway? #CaughtOnBlackVue

An unusual close call video was sent to us by a BlackVue user Luis.

Insulation rolling on a highway

Luis was driving on a highway when suddenly, from a truck way ahead of him, a big roll of insulation fell off. The BlackVue user managed to avoid crashing into the roll at 70mph (almost 115 km/h). Since Luis is using a dual channel (front and rear) BlackVue dash cam, we get to see what happens next – the traffic nearly stops, as the other cars abruptly halt to avoid the roll.

Thankfully it looks like no accident happened – but if it did, Luis had the footage of what happened. Especially in unusual cases like that it’s crucial to show your insurance company clear evidence to speed up the insurance claim process and avoid getting unfair premiums increase.

And you? Don’t wait until AFTER something happens. You never know what awaits you on the road. Get your dash cam todayhere.

About #CaughtOnBlackVue

Please remember that #CaughtOnBlackVue an ongoing event and it’s never too late to send us your video!

All you have to do is fill in the form and upload your BlackVue video (instructions on how to do so ;here). Every week we will pick a winner of the grand prize. Even if you don’t receive the grand prize, if your video is published on our blog or social media, you will receive a guaranteed BlackVue swag bag full of goodies!

Caught on BlackVueDR900X Series