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DR750X-3CH DMS TRUCK Plus Now Available

TheDR750X-3CH DMS TRUCK Plus is here and it is the fourth model in the BlackVue triple-channel dash cam lineup.

DR750X-3CH DMS TRUCK Plus combines a front camera, a driver-monitoring camera to detects drowsy or distracted driving and a waterproof external infrared camera.

Front, Driver-monitoring and External Rear cameras

The DR750X-3CH DMS Plus is a triple-channel Cloud dash cam with a special-purpose driver-monitoring camera (DMC100) and an external infrared waterproof rear camera. The “DMS” in the model name stands for Driver-Monitoring System, in reference to the function of the DMC100. The ;waterproof infrared rear camera ;connects to the front unit via a 15m (49ft) video cable. The interior camera connects to main/front camera via micro USB.

  • Front Cam: ;2.1 megapixels STARVISâ„¢ sensor / Full HD (1920×—1080 @60FPS) / View angle: 139 degrees.
  • Rear Cam (coaxial): 2.1 megapixels STARVISâ„¢ sensor / Full HD (1920×—1080 @30FPS) / View angle: 116 degrees.
  • Driver Monitoring Cam(micro USB):1 megapixel CMOS Sensor / HD (1280×—720 @10FPS) / View angle: 54 degrees.

If you are curious about how much recording time you will get with these new models, check our video quality settings and recording time table onthis page.

Infrared Driver-Monitoring Camera

The infrared Driver-Monitoring Camera (DM100) is designed to improve driver’s safety by helping prevent risky driving behaviors. The DMC100 monitors the driver at all times. Its algorithm can detect statuses such as:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driver detected/undetected

As soon as a potentially dangerous situation is detected, the DMC100emits a beep to alert the driver and triggerspush notifications if connected to the Cloud.
Additionally, Fleet Plan users can check detailed reports based on the data collected, provided the dash cam is connected to the Cloud.

BlackVue DMC100

Notes about the DMC100:

  • The DMC100 isnot designed to record the whole interior of the vehicle. It is designed to focus solely on the driver and analyze and detect drowsiness or distraction in real time.
  • Requires powering separately: the DMC100 comes with a hardwiring cable to power it (the USB cable is only used for data transmission to the dash cam main unit). However, it will turn off when ignition is turned off.
  • Not active in Parking Mode: even if you managed to power the DMC100 while parked, keep in mind that it does not record in Parking Mode. Only the front and rear cameras do.
  • Avoid driving if you are feeling sleepy/drowsy. This device is not designed to keep a driver awake. DMC100 is not a substitute for a good night’s sleep. Whether the DMC100 detects drowsiness or not, if you experience symptoms of fatigue or drowsiness, avoid driving until you are well-rested or take measures to stop driving and get rest as soon as safely possible.

Native Parking Mode

With their built-in voltage monitor, you can hardwire DR750X-3CH Plus models to your vehicle’s fuse panel to use Parking Mode. As soon as you turn off your vehicle’s ignition, the dash cam will go into Parking Mode, protecting your car while you are away. There are two Parking Mode “modes”: Time Lapse + Impact and Motion + Impact.
In Time Lapse + Impact mode, your dashcam records a time lapse video and in case of impact detected by the accelerometer, the camera records a full audio/video segment including the few seconds leading up to the impact.
In Motion + Impact, one-minute recordings are triggered by visual movements detected by the dash cam’s cameras, as well as the impacts.
Wondering which mode you should choose?

  • Parked in a quiet area with little movement, traffic? Or you absolutely need audio (no audio in Time Lapse clips): choose Motion + Impact detection.
  • Parked in a busy area (where the camera would keep recording motion-detection videos) or just want to be able to record for hours without overwriting older footage: pick Time Lapse mode.

Note: the DMC100 (Driver-Monitoring Camera) in the DR750X-3CH DMS TRUCK Plus does not record in Parking Mode.

Cloud Connectivity

Both models are Cloud compatible, meaning you can use the BlackVue Connectivity Module (CM100LTE) or a third-party mobile Wi-Fi hotspot to connect your dash cam to BlackVue Cloud. You can check the view from any of the three cameras from anywhere with the BlackVue app.
However, with BlackVue Cloud it is your dash cam’s Parking Mode that really shines. When an impact is detected, not only do you get an instantPush Notification but withLive Event Upload, the video of the impact–including the pre-impact buffer–starts saving straight to the Cloud as it happens. That means even if the dash cam gets disconnected halfway through the video clip, the footage up until disconnection is safe in the Cloud.


Are the power and video cables compatible with past models?

Power cords:same 3-wire type cables (cigarette lighter power adapter or hardwiring cable) for native Parking Mode support as DR900X, DR900X Plus, DR750X, DR750X Plus models. Not compatible with prior models (DR900S, DR750S, DR650S, etc.).

Rear camera coaxial video cable:compatible with all past models using a coaxial video cable.

In short, if you have a DR900X Series or DR750X Series BlackVue, you can keep both power and video cables in your vehicle and just add the USB cable for the interior-facing camera.
If you have any prior model, you could keep the coaxial video cable installed but will have to replace the power cable.

Can I turn a Single or Dual-Channel DR750X Plus into a DR750X-3CH Plus?

No. While bearing resemblance with DR750X-1CH Plus and DR750X-2CH Plus models, theDR750X-3CH Plus Series use a different firmware.
This means that while you can choose to use only the front camera of your 3CH model, you cannot upgrade the 1CH or 2CH version to 3CH.

How to connect the BlackVue Connectivity Module (CM100LTE) if the interior camera already uses the USB port?

The DR750X-3CH DMS TRUCK Plusincludes a USB Hub connector (1 micros USB port in, 2 micro USB ports out). This allows you to connect both the interior camera and the BlackVue Connectivity Module (CM100LTE).

Why not integrate the interior-facing camera in the front unit?

Good question! It is all aboutdiscretion andflexibilityof installation. The ideal spot for the front camera is somewhere in the upper-middle part of the windshield,hidden behind the rear-view mirror. Therefore, an interior facing camera stuck on the front camera would have its view obscured by the rear-view mirror. In order to capture the interior, you would then have to place the camera in a more obvious location, potentially obstructing your field of view. That’s why we find that having the interior-facing camera as separate units gives more flexibility to do a stealthy installation.

DR750X-3CH DMS PlusDR750X-3CH PlusDR750X-3CH TRUCK Plus