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DR900S-2CH 4K & Power Magic Ultra Battery B-124X Install & Review

YouTuber and reviewer Frank from the YouTube channel Woodzman Adventures published an extensive installation and review video of the BlackVue DR900S-2CH!

He paired it up with the refreshed Ultra Battery (B-124X) for Parking Mode. You can buy the DR900S-2CHhere, and the Ultra Batteryhere!

The setup was installed in his Jeep Wrangler, so if you’re curious about the process, make sure to check out the video! Frank also included many footage samples from the dashcam – including both day and night driving!

Watch the video by clickinghere or the thumbnail above.

Need more installation videos? Looking for a specific dashcam model installation? Take a look atour Installation Videos Page, where we post installation videos created by BlackVue users.

DR900S-2CHInstallationPower Magic Ultra BatteryReview