“Because of my job I get hit about once a year, but this time was kind of crazy.” Read BlackVue user Linda’s story below!
Hit close to home (literally)
Linda is a rideshare driver in the New Orleans area.
“I had taken off work that Saturday, which I almost never do, so I really wasn’t expecting my car to get hit parked at home!”
And that’s exactly what happened! Linda’s neighbor – who was drunk at that time – went out to his car, started it… and then passed out for about half an hour. Then he woke up, put the truck in gear and… passed out again. Meanwhile, his truck hit Linda’s car and stayed there for another 10 minutes or so until the drunk driver woke up and backed off.
When the police arrived, he was in the backseat – as if to fit the story he was trying to sell to the police officers. According to him, he woke up drunk in the backseat of his truck and one of his friends must have offered to drive him home, but then they got in the accident and fled the scene.
The police officers were sure he was lying – but they couldn’t prove that he wasn’t telling the truth either. Until…
District Attorney Thrilled Because of Dash Cam Evidence
Linda showed the footage recorded on her fullHD BlackVue dash cam (DR750X-2CH Plus modelavailable here). The video was proof enough that Linda’s neighbor was trying to lie his way out of this situation. The situation in which he not only hit and damaged another person’s property, but he also endangered his own child. This whole time his 7-year-old daughter was in the backseat!
The District Attorney was thrilled to get the evidence for this case in the form of dash cam footage – BlackVue captured the man stumbling to his car and putting his daughter in the backseat without the seat belt on.
The damages to the car were estimated at $1,000 and another $1,000 for Linda’s lost income (as a rideshare driver).
The Dash Cam Paid For Itself
“Not only did my dash cam pay for itself four times over in this accident, it won me a new dash cam!” Linda told us.
She also shared with us another story where her dash cam came in handy.
“A few years ago I backed into a guy (totally my fault) and he tried to sue me for all kinds of injuries, even permanent disability. At the deposition I pointed out that my dash cam footage also measured g-force data if viewed in the BlackVue Desktop Viewer. It showed that the pothole we had gone over (half a block before I backed into him) had more of an impact that me hitting him. His claim for injuries basically got thrown out thanks to the BlackVue dash cam footage.”
Thank you, Linda, for sharing your stories – we are glad BlackVue is keeping you safe!
And you?
Don’t wait until AFTER something happens. You never know what may happen on the road. Get your dash cam today ;here!
About #CaughtOnBlackVue
Please remember that #CaughtOnBlackVue an ongoing event and it’s never too late to send us your video!
All you have to do is fill in the form and upload your BlackVue video (instructions on how to do so ;here). Every week we will pick a winner of the grand prize. Even if you don’t receive the grand prize, if your video is published on our blog or social media, you will receive a guaranteed BlackVue swag bag full of goodies!