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[Firmware Update] DR900S (1.005), DR750S (1.011) With Driving Reports

New firmware is available for the DR750S (1.011) and DR900S (1.005) Series, introducing ;Driving Reports for BlackVue Fleet Tracking.

Learn more about the new Driving Reports for BlackVue Fleet Tracking.

DR750S Series (version 1.011), DR900S Series (version 1.005)


  • DR750S Series (DR750S-1CH, DR750S-2CH, DR750S-2CH IR and DR750S-2CH TRUCK)
  • DR900S Series (DR900S-1CH, DR900S-2CH)


  1. Driving Reports compatibility (BlackVue Fleet Tracking): Driving Reports is a BlackVue Fleet Tracking feature that allows users to view a summary of one’s vehicle/dashcam activity over the past 90 days.
    Statistics include: driver details, distance driven, travel time, no. of idle stops, idling time, no. of Parking Mode sessions, parked time, no. of times a GPS signal was not found, time without a GPS signal, speed report (no. of speeding alerts, highest speed, average speed), no. of Events (while parked and while driving), geo-fencing report (no. entries/exits/time within a geo-fenced zone).
    Note: For the Driving Reports to function properly, the dashcam must be connected to the Cloud at all times.
    Driving data are uploaded to the Cloud every minute.
    If disconnected from the Cloud, the dashcam will keep in memory up to 60 minutes of driving data and upload them to the Cloud upon re-establishing a connection.
    To access the Driving reports:
    BlackVue Viewer : ; Fleet tracking > Driving reports.
    BlackVue App: ;BLACKVUE CLOUD > tap on a dashcams’ name > tap on the Driving Reports icon.
  2. 5GHz Wi-Fi auto-off in case of driving in an area where 5GHz Wi-Fi use is restricted (DR900S Series, Japan only): while in a restricted area, Wi-Fi will be temporarily disabled and the Wi-Fi LED will blink quickly, then return to normal after exiting the restricted area.
  3. 2.4GHz Wi-Fi setting set as default in the Russian-language firmware (DR900S Series).

※ Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v2.77 / iOS v2.77 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v2.01 / Mac v1.24 and up.


Make sure to use the latest versions of ;the BlackVue Viewer and App ;for full compatibility when installing a new firmware version.

How to upgrade:

Via computer:
Go to the ;DOWNLOADS ;page to access the latest firmware and installation instructions.

Via the BlackVue App:
Download the firmware to your mobile device (Menu button ; ;on the app’s Home screen > Firmware download) and do a Firmware Over-The-Air upgrade (BLACKVUE WI-FI > Gear icon ; ;> Firmware upgrade (FOTA)). ;
Tip: make sure to download the firmware ;before ;you connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi (since the BlackVue won’t give you the internet connection necessary to download the firmware). If you are already connected to your BlackVue, then disconnect first, download the firwmare, then connect to the BlackVue’s Wi-Fi again. ;


Share your feedback and suggestions

If you have suggestions for new features and improvements, feel free to join our ;Community hosted in the BlackVue Help Center. ;

Thank you!

DR750S-1CHDR750S-2CHDR750S-2CH IRDR750S-2CH TRUCKDR900S-1CHDR900S-2CHFirmware