Dear BlackVue Users,
We recently released firmware updates for DR900X and DR750X Series dashcams. These updates focus on the built-in Parking Mode feature of those models. When hardwiring those models to use the built-in voltage monitoring feature, Parking Mode activates as soon as the ignition of the vehicle is turned off. As users would leave their vehicle, the vibration caused by closing their vehicle’s door would create Parking Mode Events. To reduce the chances of false positives, we added a 3-minute window of time during which Events are ignored from:
- Notifications sent to user in case of Cloud connectivity.
- Parking Mode Voice Alerts, which play when the dashcam exits Parking Mode.
Models Concerned:
- DR900X-1CH/2CH v.1.007
- DR750X-1CH/2CH v.1.007
What’s New:
Version 1.007 (2021-07-12):
- Parking Mode Impact Notifications scenario update (when using ignition-based Parking Mode, i.e. with the built-in voltage monitor): to reduce risks of false positives (due to closing a door when leaving the vehicle, etc.), the dashcam will skip sending notifications or playing impact-related voiced alerts for impacts that occur within 3 minutes of Parking Mode activation.
- Added support for empty space characters in Cloud Hotspot SSID names.
※ Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v3.19 / iOS v3.21 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v3.04 / Mac (SD Card Viewer only) v3.05 and up.
Make sure to use the latest versions of ;the BlackVue Viewer and App ;for full compatibility with the new firmware.
How to upgrade:
Via computer:
Go to the ;DOWNLOADS ;page to access the latest firmware and installation instructions.
Via the BlackVue App (iOS/Android):
Download the firmware to your mobile device (Menu button ; ;on the app’s Home screen > Firmware download) and do a Firmware Over-The-Air upgrade (BLACKVUE WI-FI > Gear icon ; ;> Firmware upgrade (FOTA)).
Tip: make sure to download the firmware ;before ;you connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi (since the BlackVue won’t give you the internet connection necessary to download the firmware). If you are already connected to your BlackVue, then disconnect first, download the firwmare, then connect to the BlackVue’s Wi-Fi again.
BlackVue Cloud:
See how to easily update your firmware with BlackVue CloudHERE.
Share your feedback and suggestions
If you have suggestions for new features and improvements, feel free to join ourCommunity hosted in the BlackVue Help Center.
Thank you!