A dramatic scene unfolded in front of the unsuspecting shoppers in an Australian shopping mall last month. A man, allegedly driving a stolen Audi, crashed into two other vehicles in a parking lot while trying to escape the police.
The incident was witnessed by a BlackVue user standing nearby, and captured on the BlackVue DR750S-2CH dashcam (the upgraded X modelavailable here). The heart-stopping footage was shared on a popular Facebook pageDashcam Owners Australia, and laterpicked up by the largest Australian news site news.com.au.
According to the police, a 22-year-old has been charged over the alleged incident. ;
The Audi was allegedly stolen the previous day and the police were notified around 8am the next morning. While in pursuit, they arrived at one of the shopping centers in Morayfield. That’s where the events captured by the BlackVue dashcam happened.
In the video we see the allegedly stolen Audi waiting in the traffic. Suddenly, a policeman appears and the driver springs into action – he tries to make a turn and slams into the car in front of him instead. As the police officer approaches the Audi, the suspect reverses, crashes into yet another vehicle before narrowly missing the BlackVue owner’s car and escaping.
Fortunately, he was arrested shortly after, before causing any more damages.
Spokesperson from the Queensland Police told news.com.au that the 22-year-old had been charged with numerous offences, including burglary, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, unlicensed driving, fail to comply with duties involved in a crash, possession of a dangerous drug, receiving tainted property and two counts of unlawful use of a motor vehicle. He is to appear before court later this month.
You can watch the video by clicking the thumbnail above orhere.